For starters, I have hosted ONE 31 party, and THIS is what I got....
Yes, that is over $300 in merchandise that you are looking at... for FREEEEEEEE! My favorite price ever!
I know you can't see it all from this picture, so read on:

The Cindy Tote (great for a work bag) $69, I paid $0.

The Pop Crossbody $49. I paid $0

The City Weekender Tote (LOoooOOvveeE!) $98... I paid $0

The Zip-Around Portfolio. Great for work meetings, very professional! Love the pockets! $35.. I paid $0
I won't put more pictures, but in addition to these FREE items, I received a flat iron travel case (GREAT for me, Jimmy and I love to take off for the weekend to visit his parents, etc.) I also got a wristlette wallet, three travel zip pouches, and a pretty nail file in addition to a couple of Christmas gifts and a wedding gift.
How did I get these things for free you are asking? By hosting a "31" party. The best part was, some of my family came and purchased items, but the majority of the sales came from catalog sales. You can "host" a party without actually hosting a party! Through the sales from my party and catalog party, I earned free items. It was a lot of fun and some of my family started (or finished) their Christmas shopping through my 31 party!
If you would like to earn great free items, let me know when you want to host a 31 party. It's as easy as putting a catalog in your work office and setting a due date!
In addition, I will always have a catalog party open. Every party will close on the 27th of the month. Any time you need 31 products (baby showers, wedding showers, birthdays and Christmas) let me know and we can order it even if you don't know anyone having a party at that time. Be sure to check out for the online catalog and to see the monthly deals :)