Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Totally forgot I even had a blog there for a while!

But I'm back :)

This picture was too good not to share!  Last Saturday Jimmy and I were SOOOO excited that we finally had a Saturday with nothing (nothing) NO-THING planned.  After I got back from my ZUMBA class I began to clean around the house and Jimmy headed out to mow the neighbor's lawn.  Next thing I know Jimmy is yelling for me and running through the house stripping his clothes off.

I realize that there are a variety of paths this story could take, but long story short, we ended up at Urgent Care around lunchtime due to MULTIPLE bee stings all over his body. His mowing apparently upset a swarm of bees and he quickly found himself under attack.

After our trip to Perrysburg Urgent Care we promptly went to the hardware to find some bee killer.  Little did we know there were 12 different kinds. After re-examining the situation at our place we returned to the hardware and purchased the correct poison.  The hardware owner notified us that we would need to wait until evening when the bees were all back in the hive.  (so much for our "free" and productive Saturday)

So......  we waited 'til dark.
We felt that this needed to be a sneak attack. 

I am happy to report that the mission was a success.

This is how you know you're old and married:
1. For starters, you are home at 8pm on a Saturday night
2. Your entire day is based around collecting data to find the perfect bee killer for your specific needs
3. Your idea of fun is putting on "eye black" to perform a "secret mission" (....against bees)
4. You both promptly fall asleep after your 8pm sneak attack on the bee hive (Jimmy's grogginess may have been due to Benadril. I have no excuse).

Nevertheless, it's obvious that we know how to have a good time.  We have next Saturday open as well, so let's pray it's a little less eventful for us :)

Hope everyone is ready for this school year to begin!!!  Praying for a safe and fun year!